The two LFTVD I have examined are Deutschland 83 and Stranger Things. Both being set in the 1980's anyway both having fluctuating portrayals. Netflix the distributer of Stranger Things, is stage agonistic universal organization with more than 160 million month to month supporters as of now with an immense crowd. Because of the huge achievement and target crowd around the world, it had a spending limit of $6 million for every scene in arrangement 1, with over $15 million on advertising the LFTVD with huge combination organization's, for example, Coca Cola and Burger King. Notable brands, for example, Top shop and Primark delivered dressing items with the Stranger things characters and setting upon them spreading the consciousness of the LFTVD permitting fans to buy and go about as a self-showcasing effort. . Hesmodhalgh hypothesis of limiting danger and boosting benefit is vigorously subverted with Stranger Things because of the specialty story and creativity with characters and portrayals. Nonetheless, Netflix being such an enormous combination get the opportunity to task hazards and make more specialty LFTVD, which evidentially paid off because of 40 million families gushing the primary scene inside four days of it being discharged. In this manner, inside a huge populace of Netflix's crowd being American because of the less expensive option from costly, long digital TV contracts it was exceptionally famous because of the verisimilitude factor for the Americans due the dramatization being set in 80's America.
Though Deutschland 83 was delivered to multiple audiences.. RTL delivered and conveyed for the German crowd. Because of the German crowd this LFTVD had numerous components of verisimilitude in this way it was disagreeable because of the disliked history and negative portrayal of parts of Germany during the Cold War. Though through Walter presents on Channel 4 for the UK it was well known with 5 million perspectives on the principal arrangement in a month of it being appeared, this is because of the changing political perspectives inside the UK coordinating the depiction of the portrayal of East VS West in Deutschland 83 anyway not as extraordinary. The creation of Deutschland 83 is viewed as 'old' due to the conventional productional benefits of utilizing TV channels to appropriate the program, for example, Sundance, RTL and Channel 4 with this it is focusing on a more established progressively develop crowd despite the fact that the majority of the channels are stage freethinker on request. Because of chronicled settings for the German, British and American crowd it influences their association and personalisation to identify with the program (making it well known in some nation's more than others).
Because of Netflix's abundance achievement it permitted it to have a financial limit of $6million per scene comprising of post altering, acting and coordinating. With Stranger Things because of the subject of the extraordinary huge measure of impacts and post altering was required demonstrating components of postmodernism, for instance when will is cycling home on his chopper bicycle – an intertextual connection to a commonplace prop in the 1980's for youthful adolescents – out of nowhere non diegetic (included audio cues are obvious) to make the crowd mindful of the heavenly topic right now. An outsider like figure is available in a dull, sunset setting in the forested areas made by a low stationary shot to show by what means Will is uncovered and has an absence of control right now. While the story line of Stranger Things is ordered to show an unmistakable stream and story line to the account, anyway in the middle of the story line different abrupt hop slices are set to the show the quick paced genuine/evil tone subverting to the youthful energetic young people attempting to discover their companion.
Deutschland 83 follows a sequential structure, demonstrating Martin living in the East serving his nation indicating a condition of balance, anyway this is brief as he is enrolled to work in the west as a covert government agent. Todorov expressing how a media content shows a condition of harmony which is then forestalled by an interruption this hypothesis is exceptionally compelling for D83 demonstrating a reasonable structure. Because of the general negative depiction of Germanys history. Subsequently, this makes a conundrum for the German crowd because of the redundancy and portrayal of negative notable occasions increasing an absence of crowd endorsement anyway from an English/American viewpoint it is an instructive/activity pressed government agent dramatization, focusing on a tremendous objective crowd. Because of Channel 4 and Sundance huge national acknowledgment it permitted D83 to be accessible to a tremendous system through two stages. (Giving elective media - unique ). Baudrillard hypothesis helps show the verisimilitude of Ronald Reagans discourse, genuine papers from the time and copy regalia to fit the timespan where as the activity stuffed covert agent dramatization scenes e.g going of emit cameras and calls toward the East propose a type of Hyper reality engaging the crowd and increase their complete consideration.
Sex in D83 is displayed through various different characters, for example, Martin a white youthful male, who picks up the most screen time appearing to had some force because of working for the East German Army right now is introduced as the man of the house following a male centric methodology. The character of Annett is demonstrated to be autonomous and ground-breaking. Van Zoonens hypothesis of man centric belief systems because of her female character not seen as only an article yet a significant lead to the story and the political philosophies of female right in the socialist piece of East Berlin. Nonetheless, during Stranger Things, the mother of Will is demonstrated to be a cliché female indicating run of the mill benefits of dealing with the house and kids, this fits in with Van Zoonens hypothesis because of the Western Patriarchy in America in the 1980's. Nancy Wheeler a youthful and intelligent teenager is subverting the generalization of ladies' body's being viewed as objects as she pushes Steve Harrington away and is focusing on school as opposed to being treated as an item subverting 80s stereotypes.
The military/government are spoken to be amazing with contradicting philosophies, the west government upheld free enterprise perspectives and convictions differentiating toward the East of equity and socialist perspectives making an immense clash over convictions and belief systems parting Germany. In this manner, the administration were demonstrated to be forthright and honest anyway the East utilized government agent's who Martin speaks to, attempting to get to data about the Wests assault upon the East. Subjects of debasement and force are apparent because of both needing a shared objective. The varying crowds for D83 with induce from the TV Drama that Germany was once extremely degenerate committing huge errors and cut gigantic corners to attempt to pick up progress adding to some negative undertones as a country from a German point of view.
A-level Media Studies
Monday, 9 March 2020
Monday, 27 January 2020
Fandom Audience
Learner Resource 9
Research Activity 3 – Long form TV drama and fandom
The term ‘fan’ is believed to come from the term ‘fanatic’ and refers to an audience member who has an intense enthusiasm and, often, an uncritical devotion to a product, person or activity.
There are many ways in which a fan of a long form TV drama can express their enthusiasm and interest for the show. Continuing developments in technology have enabled the distribution and sharing of fan-made materials and the development of fan made communities.
For the Long Form TV Drama unit, you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of fandom and fans’ responses to the set products you have chosen to study.
In order to find out how fans are targeted, how they interpret content from the drama and how they make meaning across different platforms, you will complete a short research activity into the fans of your chosen set products.
To complete this task successfully you will:
1. Go online and search for a variety of fan made materials. Sites which may help you find fan made materials include:
· the official social media accounts for the set products
· fan-made social media accounts for the set products.
2. Select three different fan-made products for each set product and complete the grid below.
3. Present your research findings in a visual format. You will need to take screenshots and embed the links to the fan made materials you have found into your visual document.
What is the product? Give an overview.
Who is it by? What demographic/ psychographic can the fan be defined by?
Where can you find this product? Which platform?
Which features of the drama’s content does the product focus on? What does it suggest is the main appeal of the TV drama?
How have other fans responded to the content? Give examples of how they respond?
| |
Fan-made product 1
Company – ShotDeadInTheHead.
Amazon sellers
The lights and alphabet that Joyce hangs on the wall to communicate with Will when he is in the upside down.
4 stars, 34 reviews.
Fan-made product 2
Company - MellorDesign
Amazon sellers
The Stranger Things logo with the kids on their bikes.
4.5 stars on Amazon, with over 300 reviews.
Fan-made product 3
Backpacks. |
Company - HippoWarehouse
Amazon sellers
The Stranger Things logo.
5 stars, 13 reviews.
Sunday, 26 January 2020
Stranger Things Essay
How are different social groups represented in the sequence you have analysed? What role does the use of media language, signs and signifiers have in constructing and presenting these representations as real?
In the middle-school drop off scene, there is a wide shot of dozens of students walking in the student-drop off area. The clothing worn is all 80s style and authentic. The vehicles in the scene are also from the 80s. Social groups such as white, black, disabled are all represented in this scene. The protagonists of Lucas and Dustin represent a form of minority. The background characters also show similar ethnicities. The bullies that appear in the scene also provide authenticity that schools were not perfect, and conflict was commonplace back in this time period. It also establishes Mike, Lucas and Dustin as the ‘freaks’ and out of place students. This reinforces the representation of them, as the ‘nerds’ of the class. The dialogue, which involves Mike complementing Dustin about his arm trick, saying it is a ‘superpower’ shows again how they are nerds and reference pop culture from the 80s time period. For example, ‘Mr Fantastic’. The chopper bikes the boys use, also provides authenticity to the scene. The sound design is also reminiscent of middle schools. Chatter is in the background. The school bell also rings to further show they are in a school and makes it seem realistic.
The high school scene is similar to the previous scene however they are some major differences. The background characters are older than the middle school students, to show that this is a change of location to the previous scene which may have been seen as the same if the extras were the same age. The school bell rings like the previous scene to show the audience that Nancy is entering a school. The main hallway is identical to real 80s schools and the lockers have the same design. The clothing of the actors is again in an 80s style. The dialogue is also very ‘teenage’, for example ‘makeout’. This provides authenticity to the characters and reminds the audience that they are teenagers and shows what problems they face on a daily basis. The note than Nancy receives is also very high school and shows how messages were communicated without mobile phones. This reminds the audience what time periods the drama is set in. The hairstyle that Steve Harrington has also shows the style of the 80s apart from clothes.
Thursday, 28 November 2019
DIRT Marksheet 7 – H409
Music Videos Artist representations in mv’s
Name: Date:
AO1: Demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts
of media and their influence
Assessment Objectives AO1: 1a 1b – Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of the theoretical framework of media.
AO1 Total: 10 marks.
The content below is not prescriptive and all valid points should be
credited. It is not expected that responses will include all of the points
AO1:1 How producers may choose to include different representations in
music videos to promote the artist(s), for example:
producers of music videos may construct representations of the artist(s) that
emphasise key aspects of their image, such as their performance prowess, which
depending on the genre of music video could be high paced, coordinated dance
routines, or performance highlighting the artist’s (or artists’) musical
prowess and artistry, or narrative performance highlighting the artist’s (or
artists’) image. Music videos may focus on one element of those highlighted
above in depth but producers are more likely to select a combination of these
elements to strongly emphasise key aspects of the artist’s (or artists’)
mediated image.
producers of music videos may construct representations of the target audience
for the artist(s), for example the storyline of narrative elements of a music
video may feature representations (or idealised representations) of fans (the
target audience) interacting with the artist(s) in order to elicit within fans
a feeling of belonging and loyalty with regard to the mediated image and/or
music of the artist’s (or artists’).
producers of music videos may promote the artist(s) to their fan-base (target
audience) through elicit value-transference to the artist(s) through
representations other than those of the artist(s), for example: o through
artistic excellence and high production values, e.g. a highly cinematic in
style narrative music video; or through more abstract, ‘high art’ expressionist
videos (that may be live action, animated or feature digital CGI; or feature a
combination of these elements) that appeal to the artist’s (or artists’)
fan-base (target audience) o through the use of glamour, for example, featuring
representations artist(s) through the use of performers (which may be real,
digital or animated) in ‘glamorous’ and / or highly aspirational situations o
music videos may also elicit value
· List
A videos using social realist representation of ‘street life’ to represent the
authenticity and cultural currency of the Corinne Bailey Rae video, aiming to
transfer that value of transcendence to the artist
· the
use of intertextual, postmodern representations in List B videos. the
cinéphiliac recreation of Spielbergian 80s suburban America in the David Guetta
· the
use of messages and viewpoints in videos that aim to bolster the image of the
artist and chime with those of the positioned audience - the very filmic
representation of teenage alienation in Guetta’s video creates an ambiguous
message that adds to the sophistication of Guetta’s image and fits the
large-scale nature of the song.
Comprehensive demonstration of knowledge and
understanding of representations in music videos.
Comprehensive, detailed and accurate knowledge
and understanding of representations in music videos.
Clear and precise and balanced explanation of
how representations are chosen to promote the artist(s) in music videos.
Answer is supported by detailed and accurate reference to one set music
4–6 An adequate demonstration of knowledge and
understanding of representations in music videos.
Adequate and generally accurate knowledge and
understanding of representations in music videos.
· Generally accurate
explanation of how representations are chosen to promote the artist(s) in music
· Answer is supported by
general accurate reference to one set music video
1–3 A minimal demonstration of
knowledge and understanding of representations in music videos. · Knowledge of
representation in music videos is minimal, demonstrating little understanding.
· Explanation of how
representations are used in music videos is minimal and may not always be
accurate. ·
Reference to a set music video to support the answer is minimal and may be
0 No response or no response worthy of
Have a look at all the points you could have made from Miss
Brookes’ feedback (next page) and reflect on what you did well and what was
a strength or strengths in your assessment:
are the areas you need to improve?
do you need to focus on for your next music video assessment?
Friday, 22 November 2019
Thursday, 21 November 2019
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/Evaluate academic theories/ Make judgements and draw conclusions
Level 3
· A comprehensive response to the set question
· Comprehensive and accurate knowledge and understanding
· Convincing, perceptive and accurate analysis
· Convincing, perceptive and accurate evaluation
· Highly developed and accomplished judgements and conclusions
The response demonstrates a highly developed and detailed line of reasoning which is coherent and logically structured. The information presented is entirely relevant and substantiated.
Level 2
· An adequate response to the set question
· Adequate and generally accurate knowledge and understanding
· Adequate and generally successful analysis
· Adequate and generally successful evaluation
· Adequate and generally well-reasoned judgements and conclusions
The response demonstrates a line of reasoning with some structure. The information presented is in the most part relevant and supported by some evidence.
Level 1
D- E
· A minimal response to the set question
· Minimal application of knowledge and understanding
· Analysis is minimal and/or largely descriptive and may not be relevant
· Evaluation is minimal or brief, and is likely to be largely descriptive
· Judgements and conclusions, if present, are minimal with limited support
Information presented is basic and may be ambiguous or unstructured. The information is supported by limited evidence.
Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
I compared both newspapers and their political leaning and how this would affect their front covers.
What are the areas you need to improve?
I need to evaluate more and be more time efficient.
What do you need to focus on for your next assessment?
To elaborate on certain points more and justify answers to a further extent.
Dirt 5
Name: Date:
AO2: 1 – Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products, including in relation to their contexts and through the use of academic theories.
AO2: 3 – Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to make judgements and draw conclusions. AO2 Total: 15 marks
Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
I answered all parts of the question.
Used correct information and analysed the political part of the cover.
What are the areas you need to improve?
I should try to include even more information so I could gain the extra mark.
I should also aim to improve efficiency when answering.
What do you need to focus on for your next Big Issue assessment?
To repeat the skills I used in this assessment and to revise these skills.
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The two LFTVD I have examined are Deutschland 83 and Stranger Things. Both being set in the 1980's anyway both having fluctuating portr...
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