Monday 27 January 2020

Fandom Audience

Learner Resource 9

Research Activity 3 – Long form TV drama and fandom

The term ‘fan’ is believed to come from the term ‘fanatic’ and refers to an audience member who has an intense enthusiasm and, often, an uncritical devotion to a product, person or activity.
There are many ways in which a fan of a long form TV drama can express their enthusiasm and interest for the show. Continuing developments in technology have enabled the distribution and sharing of fan-made materials and the development of fan made communities.
For the Long Form TV Drama unit, you are required to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of fandom and fans’ responses to the set products you have chosen to study.


In order to find out how fans are targeted, how they interpret content from the drama and how they make meaning across different platforms, you will complete a short research activity into the fans of your chosen set products.
To complete this task successfully you will:
1.          Go online and search for a variety of fan made materials. Sites which may help you find fan made materials include:
·            the official social media accounts for the set products  
·            fan-made social media accounts for the set products.
2.          Select three different fan-made products for each set product and complete the grid below.
3.          Present your research findings in a visual format. You will need to take screenshots and embed the links to the fan made materials you have found into your visual document.

What is the product? Give an overview.
Who is it by? What demographic/ psychographic can the fan be defined by?
Where can you find this product? Which platform?
Which features of the drama’s content does the product focus on? What does it suggest is the main appeal of the TV drama?
How have other fans responded to the content? Give examples of how they respond?
Fan-made product 1

Company – ShotDeadInTheHead. 
Amazon sellers
The lights and alphabet that Joyce hangs on the wall to communicate with Will when he is in the upside down.
4 stars, 34 reviews.
Fan-made product 2

Company - MellorDesign
Amazon sellers
The Stranger Things logo with the kids on their bikes.
4.5 stars on Amazon, with over 300 reviews.
Fan-made product 3

A person in a black shirt

Description automatically generated
Company - HippoWarehouse
Amazon sellers
The Stranger Things logo. 
5 stars, 13 reviews.

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The two LFTVD  I have examined are Deutschland 83 and Stranger Things. Both being set in the 1980's anyway both having fluctuating portr...