Friday 28 September 2018

Boyz in the Hood

Boyz in the Hood

D- The opening of Boyz in the hood shows a day in the life of children growing up in a rough neighbourhood in the USA.
I- The film starts off with a black screen with gun shots, sirens and bad language in the background. This sets the scene for the whole film. It sets the tone instantly. It then cuts from a black screen to a group of friends who are children walking and they are discussing whether they heard the gunshots from the night before. The gunshots they are referring to are the gun shots we heard at the start of the film. The 'leader' of the group then takes his friends to the site of the shooting. It then cuts to the children in a classroom. The character Tre then makes a joke in class and the teacher tells him to teach the class himself. He then proceeds and points to Africa on the map. He then says that all of the class originated from Africa. Another child in the class then says that he is not Africa. Tre and the other child then have somewhat of a short fight. It then cuts to Tre walking home by himself. A man is being beat up behind Tre. This further shows how rough the area is and also how dangerous it is. It then cuts to Tre's mother on the phone to the teacher regarding the incident in the classroom. The teacher insinuates that the mother is uneducated and the mother responds that she is doing her master's degree. The mother felt offended by the teacher assuming she is uneducated.
S- It is set in a rough neighbourhood in the USA in the 1990's.
T- Violence, oppression, growing up, police
I-We see a stop sign at the start of the film. it is the opening shot after we hear the gun shots and sirens.
N- The main character is Tre. We follow him throughout the film. The film revolves around him.
C- Tre who is a smart young boy. His mother who is also intelligent.
T- Tre is mostly at the centre of a shot. This shows the audience without having to say anything that Tre is the focus of this film and that we will follow him through this film.


M- When the children are starting to go towards the crime scene a mysterious and curious song plays to show the audience that something is happening that the children do not know about yet.
C- Mysterious music is parallel to what is happening in the scene.
D- Diagetic sounds can be heard such as police sirens and dogs barking. This shows to the audience what sounds the characters hear on a daily basis.
O- Police sirens and gunshots were not shown on screen.
V- n/a
E- The area the kids are growing up in and the situations the children have to experience makes the audience feel empathetic for the characters and also anger that children are allowed to grow up in an environment like this.
D- Tre seems  somwhat confident when he is teaching the class. the girls seem intimidated. The boy who had a fight with Tre sounds aggressive and angry. The mother sounds offended and also angered.


S- The charcter of Tre has the most screen time, closely followed by his friends in the opening part of the film.
T- In the first shot of the film the camera tracks in to the stop sign which shows its importance. The blood on the wall changes into drawings. This shows that violence is everywhere in this environment.
O- It is chronological. We hear the night before. We see the morning, midday and end of school. it is not in real time.
P- Goes through a day of school in roughly 5 minutes, reasonably fast paced.
S- No special effects as the story is grounded an not fantasy.


- Track in on the Stop sign in the first shot.

- Tre is the focus of the scenes he is in.

- Camera goes into the blood somewhat

1 comment:


The two LFTVD  I have examined are Deutschland 83 and Stranger Things. Both being set in the 1980's anyway both having fluctuating portr...