Friday 3 May 2019

Music Video Essay

    “Music videos reflect the social and cultural context in which they were made” Discuss this statement through a comparison of the two music videos you have studied. One mv from list A (CBR) and one from list B (DG)

In CBR’s ‘Stop Where You Are’ there are a lot of social aspects which are represented such as age, race, gender and mental health. These are represented by people playing into their stereotypes and cliches, For example the teenager is wearing a hoodie which has connotations of violence which are linked to teenagers. In Titanium by DG the teenage the teenage is shown to be innocent at first rather than threatening. This shows how CBR presents teenagers in the stereotypical way compared to DG who presents them fighting against cliches and tropes.

DG presents a cultural predicament that there is some sort of divide between children and adults. This is shown throughout the DG video. For example, when the teacher calls the police on the child and shuts the door on him. However in CBR’s music video, it shows a woman helping and supporting a teenager. This shows the opposite message to DG’s music video where children are presented as oppressed. This shows that in this certain area they reflect social and cultural contexts in different ways.

CBR’s music video suggests that things will get better and that repressed people in society will be treated equally given time. This is shown when the characters are first shown compared to when you see them in a later scene. An example of this is when the camera has a high angle on a homeless woman suggesting society is looking down on her. However, later on the camera is level and she is being talked to by a higher class male. In DG’s video the child is repressed throughout the video and even at the end of the music video. CBR’s video presents a much more optimistic point of view which suggests that society will come around and improve. Whereas in DG’s music video it suggests that society is forever the same and you have to handle problems by yourself.

DG’s music video presents mental health in society as something you should not bottle up and keep to yourself. This is shown by the boy over time getting more and more powerful and unstable with his power. In CBR’s music video mental health is shown to be overcome by talking to someone rather than bottling it up inside. This is presented by CBR talking to these people who seem lonely and making them open up. This is shown with the man who has the tattoos who is seen smiling for the first time in the music video when CBR is talking to him. This has similarities and differences to DG’s music video. Both of these videos show that letting your feelings out is good for you and the right combatant to mental health. However, CBR’s message is different in that it shows it as something that should be talked about. With someone else rather than being released on its own.                                                                                            


The two LFTVD  I have examined are Deutschland 83 and Stranger Things. Both being set in the 1980's anyway both having fluctuating portr...