Thursday 22 November 2018

500 Word Essay

500 Word Essay
Print sales have declined for a number of reasons. One being the internet and the influx of technology. The internet has allowed people to read news articles free of charge and much more conveniently as they do not have to carry around a large newspaper, the also do not have to go out to a shop to read a newspaper. As most of the newspapers apps are free, this makes people believe that print copies are a waste of money as you can get the same thing on your phone with no charge. This is the main factor into why the purchases of print newspapers are declining.  You also have access to older articles on the apps which means you can read older news. The apps are also more structured so a reader can pick the stories they are interested in whereas in a print newspaper the reader has to flip through the whole newspaper to find certain stories. Some newspaper apps can also use date to choose certain article for people to read that the algorithm thinks they will be interested in. This again is much more convenient than purchasing and reading a print newspaper as a physical copy cannot personalize the articles that are given to you.

Even though there’s been a decline in print news circulation, the rise in online technologies and accessibility has enabled newspapers to expand their audience as most people now own a mobile phone and or computer. This means that news organisations can spread their apps to younger audiences as well as older people as everyone now uses their mobile phones daily for various reasons. The rise of technology has increased their audience size because of its simple accessibility. The rise in technology has also allowed newspapers to make more money as they can use advertisements as a source of revenue. As the websites and apps have the most traffic compared to print it means that most of their money comes from ads on their sites and apps. This is hugely beneficial to news organisations as it allows them to make a lot more revenue compared to their print sales.

Citizen journalism, participatory media, relationships with audiences have changed as it is now more interactive than ever. Readers can comment on articles and have debates with other readers about the article and can voice their opinion. There also citizen journalists who write articles by themselves and do not work for a news organisation. There has been a huge rise in the number of citizen journalist and it is ever growing.  Relationships between writers and audiences are also much closer than ever before. Writers take into account audiences opinions and reactions to better improve their journalism and cater to their audience.
The Daily Mail statistics shows that there has been a 55% percent drop in print sales since 1960. Whereas online views of newspapers have risen by 55% percent. This shows how online newspapers are growing rapidly whereas print newspapers are declining year after year.

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