Thursday 22 November 2018

Online News

Online News

Top Five Stories on The Daily Mail and The Guardian

Daily Mail
- PM agrees pact with EU that says Britain will be able to strike trade deals around the world.
- Nurse is stabbed.
- 15 year old daughter advertised her secret party and her house got wrecked.
- Mother and son went missing trying to find her car at a reservoir,
- Key less car can be stolen in 23 seconds.

The Guardian
- PM agrees pact with EU that says Britain will be able to strike trade deals around the world.
- Illness costs UK £94bn a year, OCED report says.
- Police missed chances to prevent Manchester arena attack.
- Man killed on remote Indian island tried to 'declare Jesus' to tribe.
- US-Israeli man jailed for 10 years over bomb hoax calls.

The Daily Mail both had the same headline.
- PM agrees pact with EU that says Britain will be able to strike trade deals around the world.

The Daily Mail comments:
- 'Yeah its called World Trade organisation.'
- 'Fake news.'

The Guardian Comments
- 'Weakness is her strength.'
- 'What else have we conceded then?'

Both of the newspapers comments are both negative towards Brexit as recently Brexit has been having issues and the Prime Minister is under fire as she wanted to go through with a weak deal. This has sparked controvery and hatred from left wing and right wing people. Everyone is against Brexit at the moment and these comments show this.

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